Sarah and Jean-Marc's family history website
About us
We are a husband and wife team with a shared interest in genealogy, photography and the outdoors. Our research into family history has led us into various aspects of local history and social movements, all of which we have tried to share with you here.
Jean-Marc is a biologist, currently working as a data analyst in a Swiss pharmaceutical company.
Sarah is the "Anglo" half of the partnership, and at different times, has been a youth counsellor, personal assistant, English teacher and full-time mum to our 4 children. After completing a MSc in Genealogical, Palaeographical and Heraldic studies in 2017 she launched her own professional genealogical research service, Relatively Speaking.
Since our marriage, we have lived in Norwich (England), Basle, Sissach and Courroux (Switzerland) and the lovely Doller Valley in Alsace (France).