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Neuchâtel emigrants to Tanzania
Jules-Aimé Huguenin (-Dumittan) (b. Le Locle, 19 December 1817), a labourer, received a passport for Usule in what is now Tanzania on 30 December 1848. We have no idea what happened to him there, and would be delighted to hear from any descendants. Jules-Aimé was the son of Aimé-Huguenin Huguenin-Dumittan and Marie-Elisabeth Beerstecher and his earliest known paternal ancestor is Jacob Huguenin du Mittan, who was born in the late 1600s. Jules-Aimé’s brother, Ulysse-Bélissaire, emigrated to the US in 1851.
Please contact us for further details of any of these families or if you have information to share.
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